Coming Soon: A Christmas Carol
December 13 - 21, 2024
Community Based Theatre In Sioux Falls, SD

Show Change – Important Announcement!

Hope you all had a chance to see our Season 18 opener, It’s A Wonderful Life – a high quality production, awesome cast and great holiday show that left many with a tear in their eye and a smile on their face.  Congratulations to our Sioux Empire Community Theatre (SECT) family – cast, crew and staff who gave of their time and many talents to bring some joy to this difficult time.

Our first show in 9 months was a success on so many accounts.  We set a live performance community standard for COVID safety through social distanced seating, mandatory mask wearing and a controlled process of entry and exit to and from the theater.  We kept our cast and crew safe during auditions, rehearsals and performances deploying many of the same protocols.  We demonstrated the ‘show’ could go on by taking all the CDC recommendations seriously.  SECT is back!

One of the reasons our season opener was so successful is that the cast was small, less than 10 people.  We were able to socially distance them during rehearsals and on stage during the performances. We this in mind, the SECT board of directors in consultation with our Executive Director, Robin Byrne and staff, have made what we believe is a responsible decision – to replace our next show The Music Man with its large cast and crew with The Odd Couple (Female Version), a much smaller production.  

This updated Neil Simon classic offers a new take – instead of Felix and Oscar, meet Florence and Olive.


Unger and Madison are at it again! Florence Unger and Olive Madison, that is, in Neil Simon’s hilarious contemporary comic classic: the female version of The Odd Couple. Instead of the poker party that begins the original version, Ms. Madison has invited the girls over for an evening of Trivial Pursuit. The Pidgeon sisters have been replaced by the two Constanzuela brothers. But the hilarity remains the same.

We believe this reduction of required cast members and crew to produce The Odd Couple, will enable us to continue to manage the necessary safety protocols much more effectively and ensure that we repeat the success of It’s A Wonderful Life.

On behalf of the Sioux Empire Community Theatre Board of Directors, staff and volunteers – it is our sincere hope that you and loved ones have a healthy and joyous holiday season.

Rick Weiland


SECT Board of Directors

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

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