Coming Soon:
The Premiere Premieres
February 13 - 16, 2025
Community Based Theatre In Sioux Falls, SD

Calling All Artists For Art & Wine Walk!

The Premiere Playhouse (TPP) is participating in the October Art & Wine Walk and we are looking for artist submissions for our gallery during this exciting downtown event! Never experienced Art & Wine Walk? Wondering what this all means? Check out the details below:

Who: Sioux Falls based visual artists

What: Visual art themed as or similar to our SEASON 20 PRODUCTIONS to accompany a wine tasting atmosphere

When: Friday, October 7th; Time approximately 5pm-8pm

Where: TPP Offices at the Orpheum Theater Center

Why: Showcase your art in a curated space at the heart of downtown during a high traffic Downtown Sioux Falls event and on the evening of a YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN performance at the Orpheum!

How: Send an email to with the subject line “ART & WINE SUBMISSION”. In the body of the email, tell us how you would approach your own art show in a setting such as this and attach at least three pieces of your work that you are most proud of. The deadline is September 11th.

See you soon!

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